February 07, 2009

The Maltese Adventure Day 10 and 11

I think that's Thursday and Friday. I'll probably get to the end of this and find I lost two days somewhere along the way!

Thursday was an ordinary day, just like any other. Breakfast, drive to work, work, drive home from work, but then it sort of changed. I knew I had the day off on the Friday, so I thought I'd dump the car and have a proper wander round, exploring some of the back roads of St Julians. Dumping the car proved to be an adventure in itself.

Firstly, my usual car park was full. All the cars seemed the same, like it was some sort of convention, so I drove up the hill towards my hotel. For 20 minutes I drove in and out of the alleyways looking for a free space. I'm sure I wasn't the only one, I swear I past the same Volkswagen Beetle four times.

After giving up, I drove back down the hill, past the car park again and out of town. It was a brilliantly hot day, so if I had a long walk back, it would be a pleasurable one. 2 miles back in fact in the end. It seems there is an invitational snooker event coming up on the island and a lot of visitors have already arrived, taking up valuable parking spaces!

As for the Friday, it was a day off. A long lie in, watching Midsomer Murders, a slow breakfast and then a bit of exploring. The weather was still warm, so I sat outside a lovely bar called The City of London for a while catching some afternoon rays. In the early evening I returned to my room, and sat out on my little balcony with my ipod, watching the world go by. It was then I got a phone call.

Actually, I had just had a call from my Dad helping me to organise a train ticket, so when my phone chirped into life again I assumed it was him. It wasn't.

"Hello, is that Mr Gibson?" asked the girl on the other end. I hate calls like that, usually means I'm in trouble or they're trying to sell me something. Considering I was getting charged to receive the call, I was determined to cut it short.

"Yes." was my only response.

...but then she continued to say she was from some TV production company, calling about the quiz show I'd applied for (which was over a month ago) and would I be interested in an audtion. To cut a long story short, the audition is in Bristol on 2nd March and if I"m successful, filming is in mid April and Mid May (although I won't be needed for both sessions).

...What a lovely surprise! :)

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