February 04, 2009

The Maltese Adventure Day 8

Is day 8 Tuesday? I'm losing track now.

Most important thing that happened today was late at night... or early on the morning of Day 9 perhaps. Something attacked me in the night. I woke up this morning with three separate insect bites, one on my right shoulder, one on the inside of my left elbow and the third on the right side of my neck. The last one is the worst as I caught it with my razor and made a right mess of it.

I'll try to get some ointment from the local supermarket, but I'm not back in St Julians til late tonight, so they might be shut. I hope to God the critter responsible has left my room, otherwise there will be hell to pay.

The other thing from Day 8 is more of an observation. I hope I don't sound like I'm stereo-typing with this comment, but aren't we all guilty of that at some time or another?

It's about the local men and women of Malta. I'll start with the men. So far they have all been friendly, on the whole they keep themselves fit. Despite the fact there is a bar on every corner there doesn't seem to be an obesity problem like the UK, all in all a healthy bunch of blokes.... and they all seem to have 3 day old beard growth! No one appears clean shaven, but at the same time, moustaches and beards are rare too, everyone just seems to have stubble. How is that possible? How can you keep three day old fuzz on your face without it getting longer, or having to cut it shorter?

The other thing I've noticed is the women. (obviously). From teenage to middle age, Maltese women, on the whole, are very pretty. Again, they keep their bodies in shape, in general they have dark hair which compliments their olive skin. They dress well, or at least make it look as if they dress well.

When a beautiful girl or woman walks towards a man the man will stare to begin with. Then he'll think he's been staring too long so he'll look at the pavement. Then he thinks that looks too obvious, so he'll look back up again, but try not to make eye contact. As they pass, he'll slyly look backwards so he can see her from behind too. (or maybe this is just how I operate!) My point though is all Maltese women seem to have one thing in common.... their bums are slightly out of proportion with the rest of their figure.

I really can't explain it, but it's too common to be a coincidence. Maltese female's have backsides that are slightly larger than they should be. I swear I'm not making a detailed study of posteriors... you just can't help but notice! When I worked at the casino in IOM, the four Maltese girls there used to get teased about it, but I put that down to chance. I didn't expect an entire nation to have the same build! If someone can offer a rational explanation, I'd be glad to hear it....

...I'm not complaining of course :)

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