February 02, 2009

The Maltese Adventure Day 6

Ok, so firstly you're wondering where day 5 went aren't you? No? Well I'll tell you anyway. I wasn't in the office on Sunday, so I didn't have an opportunity to write anything about the previous day. Not much happened anyway except for the fact I managed to drive to AND from the office successfully. Not a single driving error or wrong turn. When I got back to St Julians the little car park was full, but the old man I mentioned previously told me to wait as he knew a car was about to leave. He was dead right so he saved me a lot of trouble, so I tipped him a Euro.

Anyway, Day 6 (Sunday 1st Feb) was a day off for me. Chance to catch up on some sleep, maybe walk around the town a bit more. I got up and went down for breakfast (and noticed they do boiled eggs too, although I only spotted them when I was leaving to go back to my room) then went back for a quick cat nap.

At about midday I went out to explore, and it was brilliant sunshine. No wind either, a really nice summers day, despite being the first day of Feb. I walked along the harbour road, the road I drive along to go to work, dipping in and out of shade as I did. I probably walked for about half an hour, thankfully this stretch of path is completely flat. Then, naturally, I turned round and walked back. I stopped off in an Irish bar to watch the second half of the tennis final before heading back up the hill to the hotel.

At seven o'clock my two trainees met me at my hotel so we could all go out for a meal. We chose a local Italian restaurant where Michelle know's the owner. A lovely meal, good company, and I think she got us a huge discount too, it certainly seemed very cheap for the amount we ate.

Bed by 10pm, very tired after my walking, but a thoroughly enjoyable day. Sadly, an early start required for day 7...

...but that's the price you pay for being so in demand :)

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