January 19, 2009

The WOB Testers

Last night, Sunday, I got a phone call off my work mate, Pete. Would I like to go for a few drinks? Well! An opportunity to go out in Southampton with someone who knows where everything actually is, and more importantly how to get home again. How could I refuse.

In reality, what actually happened was we met at 8pm in a pub I already knew. We played about half a dozen games of pool over a few drinks, and left when the rock DJ got a bit too heavy for both our tastes. We moved onto another pub (a basement drinking den I'd never heard of) and arrived just as a pub quiz was about to start. How could we resist.

90 minutes and three drinks later we were the proud owners of 10 bottles of Budweiser for coming first. Mainly due to me knowing Noddy's occupation is a taxi driver, and that Barrack Obama was born in Hawaii. Think it was the first quiz I've ever attended that had no music round at all. That probably helped contribute to our victory.

They kicked us out at about 11.30, so we decided to call it a night. I got to keep the booze as Pete can't drink lager, and I walked home through the deserted shopping streets. (Note to Southampton City Council. If it wasn't for the high street stores having lit up banners and fronts the main road would be extremely dark and forboding).

Got home about midnight, went straight to bed, logged on to play a game of Scrabble and fell asleep back to front on the mattress, my feet resting on my pillows....

....A great night, and hopefully more to come when I return ftom Malta.

p.s. The WOB Testers was our team name. WOB stands for World of Bets (our company's name)

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