January 22, 2009

Updating the Masses Part IV

Just a few updates and little additions for regular blog readers.

1. I don't think Bob the Triffid is going to survive much longer. I've kept him well fed, but I think the recent cold spell, coupled with the building site outside his favourite window for the past 6 months have finally taken their toll. He's still alive, but I can't see him surviving 3 weeks whilst I'm away. Everyone keep their fingers crossed.

2. Talking of plants, Roberta his girlfriend is still technically still alive in the office, but looks manky. The central red shoot had whithered away, but the foliage is all still green and lush. No idea what's wrong, but I keep watering her when she's thirsty.

3. Final point on plant life, my attempt to grow chilli seeds doesn't seem to have worked. I followed Jamie Oliver's instructions, but they haven't germinated. Perhaps I should have waited til after winter. Oh well, I'll try again in the spring.

4. There was an entry back in October about me cooking my first Southampton roast dinner. It now has the photograph added. Probably wasn't worth the wait :o)

5. I'm writing this in the flat on Thursday afternoon. This time tomorrow I'll be somewhere just outside Birmingham on a crowded train, heading for Stockport. I don't expect to be back on the south coast for nearly a month. God knows how many take-away menus I'll find behind the door when I get back! I did remember to organise a holiday from LoveFilm, so that'll save me a few quid.

6. Talking of money, I've found out in Malta I won't be staying in walking distance of the office I'll be training in. My boss's response was "You can get cabs if you like and keep receipts to claim it back." 3 weeks of taxis?!?! I couldn't afford 3 days, never mind 3 weeks. He's going to be over there for the first couple of days, so I'll get him to sub me hard currency.

7. Remember I told you I was scared to go into the little park in the pitch black? Well a few days ago I ventured in, determined to conquer my fear. Guess what happened. It's just before 7am and as I walked through, I stood on a tiny frozen puddle of mud, fell dramatically backwards and ended up sprawled over the dirty concrete. I got a bruise on my arse and knocked my right elbow.... the same elbow I sustained a Wii injury on. Now I know the real reason I was scared to go in there!

Think that's about it. Saturday I'm hoping to see Flixton FC play a league cup game, Sunday I'm meeting The Pole for a curry and beers in Chorlton, and on Monday and I'm hoping to meet my internet friend in The Trafford Centre for lunch, although that is up in the air at the moment as she has a family crisis brewing. Hopefully I'll be able to find time to keep my blog upto date from Malta, might even add a few pics....

....if I remember to take the right computer cables with me!

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