January 24, 2009

Flixton v Formby Part I

This is my experience about going to see my 'local' team for the first time in about 20 years. There is nothing at all in this entry to do with the football itself, spin on to part two if that's what you're after.

I'm at the nearest pub to the ground, trying to sample some of the pre-match atmosphere. Scratch that, I'm playing the quiz machine as usual and watching the clock to see if it's time to leave yet. I walk down to the ground about 45 minutes before kick off and found it deserted, and looking like a reject filming location for The Great Escape. But no, as I walked round the exterior fence I find a turnstyle, and I find a man, and he has a cap on...

"you coming in my friend?"

"Are you open?" I reply
"Of course, that'll be a fiver."

..and in I go, I lean on the 3 foot high perimeter fence to sample the pre match atmosphere... for all of 30 seconds. It's freezing and there's no one there! So I venture inside the clubhouse.

Now this is where it gets interesting. Not only are they showing the Hartlepool v West Ham FA Cup match on a big projector screen, but Export lager is only £2.10 a pint! I'm staying here til as close to 3pm as I can manage....

...I venture out for the first half, and come back seconds before the halftime whistle (read part two for details of the game)

a quick pint and a spicy pepperami for half time, and a catch up of the other halftime scores on Gillette Soccer Saturday, then back out for the last 45 minutes.

Final whistle. Now I was torn. I was planning on going home in time to watch the Manchester United game on TV, but I needed the toilet. As I crossed through the clubhouse to get to the facilities, they changed the channel for the pre-match build up. What should I do? Of course I decided to stay for the game (or at least the first half.)

I positioned myself right at the back at a big empty table, I'm not a local, or a member so I didn't want to intrude on the better seats. A few lads sat near me, then a few more then ever more. Suddenly my personal space was being invaded...

...Then the platters of sandwiches appeared. I was sat at the table reserved for the away team! No wonder they were all speaking in Scouse accents! As everyone around me devoured the spread, I made a hasty exit and disappeared out the door. I had just spent the last 20 minutes enjoying a pint with the enemy!

The walk home was with my ipod but I was frozen to death. Despite the three layers I was wearing, I couldn't feel any of my fingers. I was glad to see my parents front door....

....Great fun though, a fiver well spent.

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