January 14, 2009

No sleep.... but loving it

I've just been away for a long weekend, did you miss me? I stayed at my parents, but this time I had Sarah and Caoimhe with me.

I'm not sure how to write this entry. If I go into in depth detail about everything we'll be here til November, so I'll try to keep it as short as possible, without missing anything important out.

Firstly, Sarah and munchkin came over a day early so they could get to Sarah's rugby game on time on the Saturday. We arrived in plenty of time, butties made, drinks packed, Caoimhe freshly changed... and the game was frozen off. Looks like I'll have to make another trip up north at some point if I want to see Sarah play.

So what to do instead. It didn't take much persuading to go to the golf driving range. Sarah hadn't held a golf club since her attempt at minature golf in Great Yarmouth, but as it turned out she was a natural. Not sure where my skills disappeared to, I couldn't hit a barn door if it was 6 feet in front of me!

Sarah got on well with my Dad too, even getting a bit competitive when they played on the Wii together. I can see a long standing sporting rivalry building there! :o)

The nicest day for me was the Monday. Me, Sarah and Caiomhe, all day, just the three of us, being a little family unit. We were in the Trafford Centre, and despite the sleepless nights previous, I had a fantastic time. Carrying baby, letting her ride on my shoulders, feeding her, sharing giggles with her, even singing to her, it was all lovely. I don't think I've ever spent that long in the Trafford Centre, certainly not without visiting the cinema, but I'd do it all again at the drop of a hat.

The last time it was just the three of us was Norfolk, but then there were stressful moments. a) We all got sick seperately, b) me and Sarah had split up, and c) Caoimhe's real Dad was pestering Sarah, but this time it was different. When no one else was involved we got on so well. If it was all three of us, or just me and baby, it was a blast.

Sadly, I can't see them before I go to Malta, so it's likely to be 6 weeks before we're together again. We will be going to Wales though, as soon as I'm back, another chance to just be a little family unit.

....I'm missing them both already

p.s. the title of the blog entry is because Caoimhe had a wonderful habit of not wanting to sleep til the small hours of the morning, despite the fact it was a big bed, myself and Sarah were pushed out to the edges and Munchkin had 99% of the available space...I'll get my own back one day :o)

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