January 15, 2009

I am not a Number - I am a Free Man!

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered!

One of my TV heroes has sadly passed away. Patrick McGoohan, most widely known as The Prisoner dies today aged 80.

It wasn't The Prisoner who introduced me to the actor, it was a low budget horror film called Scanners, in which certain people could make other people's heads explode just by concentrating hard. Not the greatest film in the world, but at least it was original!

...but it was The Prisoner that I came to love. Such a bizarre programme, but mesmerising to watch. By the end of the 16 episodes I don't think even the cast and crew knew what was going on, but it didn't matter. Chances are it wouldn't have been the cult success it was if it hadn't been for Patrick.

Only recently I managed to get to see his earlier series, Dangerman. A fantastic show, and definately worth a viewing.

With a new version of The Prisoner currently in production for ITV, I only hope they do it justice - not just for the fans of the original show, but now for the memory of it's former star.

R.I.P. Patrick McGoohan

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