January 09, 2009

Grey Sausages and a Late Addition

I knew I was going away for a long weekend, so there was no point buying in any fresh food. Chance to eat up anything about to hit it's sell by date...

Well my fridge is pretty empty at the moment. A packet of cheese (still unwrapped), one satsuma, one two litre bottle of cola and a packet of 100% pork sausages I bought about a week ago from the Co-op. Looks like it's sausages for tea then.

The reason I bought them in the first place was they had been reduced in price. £2.99 down to 99p. Can't argue with that for 8 pure meat sausages. Of course, the reason they had been reduced was the fact they were about to go out of date. As if that ever bothered me :o)

They were now a full week past their best however, and when I opened the packet I was hit by an overwhelming aroma. The only way I can describe it is the smell of home-made mince pies. I know that doesn't make sense, but that is exactly the pong they were giving off. The other thing that struck me was the fact they were grey. Not slightly pink, not brown, but grey. The grey of papier mache.

I've never seen grey sausages, and coupled with the smell, I had to assume they were off. No matter, I'll cook them anyway and see what they smell like then. If they still reek of mince pies I'll chuck them away. Well, they did still smell, but I was hungry..... so I ate them!

....so far, they have stayed down :o)

I should also point out that I was so worried about eating them I forgot to turn the grill off. I found it about three hours later when I went back into the kitchen for a drink. No damage was done, but the whole kitchen was like a Swedish sauna. So much for trying to keep my electricity bill down.

Late addition. Rather than start a new blog entry, I need to add a piece to the 'missed breakfast' story. On my flight over to Shannon I met a celebrity!

While I was going through security I noticed Michael Greco. Probably not a name you know, but he played Bebe DiMarco in Eastenders. Only reason I know him is I'm aware he's given up acting to become a professional poker player. He often turns up on TV tournaments.

Of course, I didn't speak to him. He's slightly famous, I'm a nobody. You sort of get that attitude living on the Isle of Man, lots of famous people pay the island a visit, but no one bothers them when they do turn up. Chances are, he's not going to be on my flight anyway.

...but he was. While I was queuing to board, he was stood to the side of me with two friends, both with strong East London accents. I took a deep breath, turned to him and said:

"Going over for a tournament?"

"Yes, in Galway," he replied.

End of story. That's it. I didn't carry on the conversation, neither did he, although I'm sure he was secretly happy I'd recognised him as a poker player instead of a soap actor....

...or perhaps not :o)

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