January 08, 2009

Maltesers Part III

It's official, I'm off to be a Malteser!

After much hair pulling, teeth grinding and cat kicking, I now have a flight booked to go to Malta at the end of January. At the moment it is open ended, but it's expected I'll be there for about three weeks.

Coupled with that, I've got myself a prepaid Mastercard, (exactly like any other Mastercard but you have to put the money on to it before you use it)

What I have learnt is that I'll be training two people simultaneously, one of which is a woman with a Masters Degree in something complicated. Me thinks she's a little over qualified, but perhaps the job situation in Malta forces people to take what they can get. I'll be staying in a flat (currently being organised) and there is a good chance my boss will be coming over with me for the first day, so I won't be alone to begin with.

It's sort of a weight off my mind. I'll probably create a whole new list of things to worry about, but at least the uncertainty is over. It's still three weeks where I'll have less contact with Sarah, and I don't like that, but I'll organise something for as soon as I'm back. We talked about having a week in Wales, perhaps in a cottage, or holiday park.

So there you have it people. Apparently it's always hot, they all speak English and they drive on the left hand side of the road. They are proud of their Maltese Cross and surprisingly....

....they don't go around eating small, round chocolate covered honeycomb sweets.

1 comment:

Jackenorie said...

Ok the mistake I am making right now is typing this after only reading the first three sentences.... Now here is my reaction...


...ok I will now carry on and read the whole story