December 30, 2008

Maltesers Part II

Well it looks like my visit to the land of small, round chocolate is back on.

I got a call while I was sat in work (watching episodes of Are You Being Served on Youtube), and it was from my boss. After asking me to open some of the mail that had arrived, and asking about Christmas, he casually added:

"Oh and you're ok to go over to Malta at the end of January aren't you?"

He has a habit of doing that - disguising something important by casually slipping it into a different conversation. After claifying dates and length of trip etc, he hung up.

So, end of Jan it is, for two to three weeks. Training two people to do all the key tasks of my job. I don't now anything about them, how good their English is, how much experience they have, but I do what I'm told. Biggest thing on my mind is money and Sarah.

The money thing is simply being in a foreign country without a credit card. It's all very well being told to keep receipts for when you get back, but when you only have a crappy debit card, paying for things can be difficult. What do I do if there's an emergency?

As for Sarah, we planned to see each other more often than we did the first time. Little frequent trips, rather than longer meetings once a month. Three weeks away, with little phone contact could be difficult.

...We'll have to see

1 comment:

Ali said...

if i can get halfway round the world with just an Isle of Man Bank cashcard and no money, you'll have no problems! that's exciting news about Malteeeeser... yay! :-)