January 03, 2009


Just witnessed a few milestones, thought I'd share them with you all.

1. I think I've just flown out of Gatwick for the first time. I was searching my brain for another occasion when I've used Gatwick, but everything I came up with involved Heathrow or London City. If anyone does know an occasion when I've been through Gatwick, please feel free to remind me :o)

2. I witnessed the Euro overtake sterling whilst in a Euro country. Ireland is an expensive country at the best of times, but when the exchange rate dipped below 1 to 1 it became far worse. 8 Euros for a Big Mac meal! What's that all about?!?

3. Tara turned 30. Ok, not a milestone in my life, but I was there to witness this monumental occasion, so it feels like it was part of my life too. I wasn't able to celebrate my own 30th at all (I worked 20 of the 24 hours of June 2nd 2004) so it was nice to celebrate someone elses in style. I'll write more about the trip when I'm in work tomorrow...

4. ...Which leads me to my final milestone. I'm writing this blog from my flat! I got a decent 2nd hand laptop off my parents for Christmas, so I can write my novel more frequently, but I treated myself to an O2 dongle so I have pay as you go internet access too! Also means I can play late night Scrabble and chat to friends even on my days off....

...until they get sick of me :o)

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