December 28, 2008

My Magnificent Octopus Part IV

Ok, so where am I right now with the novel that'll never make it to print.

I'm currently 45 pages into it, but what I've written is more of a draft start. Where I have written a conversation, I have only written the parts that were vital to the plot - I need to 'flesh them out' to add red herrings and background story

The same is true of sections where I am describing the scene. At the moment I've mearly skated over the prose, just writing the bear essentials. It acts like a marker so I can go back when I reach the end of the 'story' and fill it out.

Ali has the first 40 pages, the first person to read ANY of the story except for me. There was a double reason for this. Firstly, she'll be the person that types it up as an official manuscript when it's completed, so she's best place to tell me if the format is suitable. Secondly it was an easy excuse for a present. I can also trust her to be honest if she thinks I need to rethink my idea of being a writer. The next recipicent of a draft copy is a different matter...


She'll probably read this before her birthday and I've just ruined the surprise, but there is a very valid reason I want her to receive regular updates of the book. It was Tara who finally kicked me up the arse and got me started on the novel. If there is one person who I want to know what she thinks of how it is developing, it's her.

There is one thing both Ali and Tara need to bear in mind. Every draft that gets given out is unique. Tara's, for instance, will be at least 10 pages longer than the first one.

...and now I have a laptop I can write at home too :)

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