December 11, 2008

Is There a Higher Force at Work in the Universe?

Is this a case of coincidence or something more sinister? You decide...

As you may or may not know I'm off back to IOM tonight. My journey starts at 6pm by train, then it's London Underground, another train, car and ferry. My Dad kindly booked my travel tickets in advance (one of the websites doesn't take debit cards) and I was all set to go.

Yesterday, (10th Dec) at about 2pm, I received a phone call. Here is the trans-script (word for word)

"Hello, is that Mr Gibson?"
"Hello, this is Richard from the Steam Packet Company. It's about your booking for tonight's Heysham sailing"
"No, it's not tonight, it's tomorrow night"
"it's booked for the 11th"
"Exactly, that's tomorrow."
"Yes, but the boat is at 2.15am so it's tonight"
"Oh shit. I wanted to travel on Thursday night. Can I change the booking?"
"Should be ok. Yes, that's fine. There will be an extra charge of £9 though?"
"£9 oh, that's fine. Why were you phoning in the first place?"
"Tonight's sailing has been brought forward to 1am, I was just phoning to inform you of the change."

..and after a few franctic calls to my Dad the booking was moved successfully for only an additional fee of £9. Phew.

But think about it. If last night's sailing hadn't been brought forward an hour, I would never have known I was booked on the wrong boat. I would have turned up at Heysham at one in the morning with a ticket that was 24 hours too late. Goodness knows if I could have got on the boat, and even if I could, I expect I would have had to buy a brand new ticket. In all the years I have been travelling on and off The Rock I have never had a sailing time moved. I've had sailings cancelled, but never 'bumped'. Was it just coincidence that this time I got a well needed phone call, or do I have a guardian angel watching me?....

...and if it's an angel, why do they keep making me miss theatre shows!

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