December 17, 2008

Definition of an Eejit Part X

I could title this entry "Definition of a Terrorist".

Thursday 11th December 2008. Remember that date. It's the day there was a major terrorist alert on a South-Western train between Southampton and Waterloo (ok not really, but I did my level best to make it come true.)

I was travelling up to Stockport to get the ferry at Heysham. I had a large hold-all bag, and a smaller back pack with my travel essentials in it. It makes sense, when I get on the ferry or train I can stow the larger bag away and keep the back pack with me. This time it contained my portable DVD player, a selection of discs, 4 cans of lager, a bag of crisps and a paperback novel of 'The Prisoner'. With me so far?

I boarded the train, and while I was putting my hold-all on the upper shelf I rested my back pack on my seat. When I removed it to sit down I found the chair was damp. I was using some very choice language at this point, abusing the previous occupant of all kinds of things. I lifted my back pack off the seat next to mine, and decided to sit there instead. The chair was also damp. Curses. was at this point I noticed the rucksack itself was dripping. Panic time! The seats were wet because I've got an exploding can of beer in a bag of DVDs, electrical equipment and reading material.

Ok, to cut a long story short (too late!) I emptied the contents, dried them on the train's floor level heater and re-packed them into my main bag. But what do I do with the small rucksack that was still soaked with beer? I couldn't really take it with me, I still had a Tube ride and another train to catch. I did what any sensible person would do....

...I shoved it under my seat.

Afterwards I realised what I had done, I had abandoned a rucksack on public transport. Not a sensible thing to do in today's world, but never mind they can't trace it to me...

...except I hid it under a reserved seat so they have my name, address and phone number on file! Will I ever learn?

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