December 18, 2008

Time on The Rock

Haven't really let you know how the recent trip to Fraggle Rock went have I? (except the terrorist alert of course!)

Well it was really nice. Got to see a lot of Sarah and Caoimhe. She's really developing fast, almost walking and trying to talk. Caoimhe isn't doing too bad either! (hee hee, only kidding)

Also got to see Simon, and old work mate from the HSBC days. We started work there the same day and we were usher's at each other's weddings. Sadly, for one reason or another our meeting up was all too brief, but it's a start and I can make more of an effort next time.

..and talking of meeting up, I also managed to meet up with Ali after her adventures in Asia. (see link to her travel blog at the bottom of this page). Sadly it was also a far too brief meeting, but I did manage to pass on her Christmas present. I wait with baited breath to see what she thinks of it.

...There was also Lee's 30th birthday meal too. Lee has been my barman, workmate, flatmate, holiday mate, you name it, I've done it at some point with Lee. Couldn't miss an opportunity to see him join the old man club!

...and Tim, Lyndsey and baby Jasmine, my hosts this time around. Great to catch up with them all and just spend a bit of time with a 'family'. I think it's the biggest thing I miss about not being on the island permenantly - mixing with family units. Not sure Tim is speaking to me after I destroyed him at Wii tennis, but I'm sure he'll get over it :)

It's amazing what you can fit into such a short space of time. I even fitted in the opportunity to win a pub quiz. I won't mention the fact there were only two teams entered!

..But it wasn't all perfect...

No Jackie this time. She was only just back from a visit to Bournemouth so we missed each other. (sort of ironic she was visiting the south coast of England while I was in IOM)

No Julie, Jonathan and Jasmine this time - that's two trips in a row we've not met up. On a couple of occasions in the past I've had long, deep, meaningful chats with Jules and it'd be great to have another one some time soon.

No Emma, Martin and bump. My other ex-housemates are expecting their first baby next month, so it's unlikely I'll see them again before (s)he is born. Would have been nice to find out how they are getting on.

I also made a bad error of judgement and almost fell out with Sarah. Thankfully we had a chance to clear the air before I left, but for most of Sunday it was hanging over me.

So there you have it, another trip home. Not sure when the next one is, unlikely to be in January due to other commitments...

...and I'm running out of friends I can stay with! :)

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