December 09, 2008

Where I am right now

Just thought I'd pass on 'where I am' right now. Feels like a while since I've told you all about 'me', rather than tell an anecdote about my mundaine existence.

Well you'll be pleased to know I'm happy.

I don't know why, I think, perhaps it's because I don't have much to worry about at the moment:

1. My close friends all seem content.
2. I have money in the bank to cover my trip to Fraggle Rock this weekend.
3. My flatmate/boss hasn't been back to Southampton for about three weeks so I've had the flat to myself.
4. I've made a new friend online I chat to almost daily (and play Scrabble with)
5. I won't be alone for Christmas.
6. I get to see Tara again in less than a month.
7. I've only worked one 13 hour shift in the past 2 months. It used to be at least 2 a week.

I've also been taking my vitamins every day and because this is satsuma season I have managed to eat my 5-a-day for the past few weeks too :o)

That's not to say there aren't a few things I've got on my mind:

1. My cousin is about to go through a serious operation.
2. I still don't know about Malta.
3. I'm still alone 95% of the time.
4. Bagpuss has just died.

But it's a much shorter list than the first one. I should spread the love while it lasts....

...Big Hugs for everyone.

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