November 30, 2008

What's all the fuss about?

It's November 30th, 1 day before you all crack open your chocolate advent calenders and guess what...

...I've completely finished my Christmas shopping.

I've impressed myself. Normally it's a mad dash about 2 days before Christmas Eve, trying desperately to find something interesting in a dodgy book shop, or even worse, trying to find some excuse not to buy a present at all. Not this year. Everyone I'd normally consider buying something for is covered. Not only that, I've also remembered birthday presents for Jackie and my old flatmate Lee!

Don't ask me why this has happened. Perhaps it's because I got my small Christmas bonus, and after paying off people I owed, I decided to get all my other December debts out of the way too. Perhaps I just didn't want it hanging over me, especially with a trip back to Fraggle Rock coming up.

Whatever the reason, it's all done and I can sit back and watch everyone else panic for a change....

...until I realise I've forgotten someone :)


Ali said...

how very organised of you
you're a man! you don't do shopping!
i'm sure you didn't forget me
i knew you wouldn't ;)

Geoff said...

As a matter of fact I haven't forgotton you. So you need to meet me when I'm over to collect it x