December 04, 2008

Baby it's Cold Outside

Why do I always end up living near water?

First it was the Isle of Man. It's almost impossible to get snow when you live close to the sea, but it's quite happy to rain constantly. Now I'm in Southampton, yards from the English Channel, and once again, the opportunity to build a snowman is somewhere between slim and impossible.

It doesn't stop it being cold though. Bitterly cold. The walk to work this morning was akin to trekking across the Antartic. Cold wind whipping my face, rain lashing me from all directions, traffic deliberately aiming for the biggest puddles, litter flying up just as you are about to step over it. It never ends.

I have to walk to work with my glasses in my pocket when it rains. If I don't I'll arrive in the office unable to see, and spend the next ten minutes trying to rub smears off the lenses. Bearing in mind I am almost blind without them, the trip can be quite a dangerous one. Several sections of the journey are unlit, I have a dark overcoat, there is music in my ears and the roads are chock full of juggernauts heading for the Isle of Wight ferry (even at 6.30 in the morning). They should add my morning trek as a test in the new version of The Krypton Factor.

Ok, that's it for today I think, not much else to report. I'm off this weekend, but already low on funds so it'll be a two day bed marathon. In the New Year, I might think seriously about getting a cheap laptop and getting online at home...

...I miss my Scrabble buddy :)

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