November 11, 2008

Pattern of Sleep

I feel as rough as a bag of nails, and I have done for several days now.

I think it started when I worked very late on Friday. By the time I got home it was almost midnight and I was due back in work at 7 o'clock the following morning. I hadn't eaten that day either, so before I went to bed I had to get something to ease the stomach cramps. It was probably 2am before I finally managed to drop off, to be woken by my alarm 4 hours later.

For the next three days, I was only on short morning shifts. In at 7am but able to leave by 11 most mornings. What should I do? First thought was to get some rest, which I did, but trying to doze that late in the morning with passing traffic and noisy pedestrians isn't easy, I could managed no more than a couple of hours. This is where the problem starts....

...when I gave up trying to sleep properly I got up, but now my body now thinks I've rested. It's still daylight so it keeps me awake. Wide awake. When it comes to 9 or 10 at night when I should be going back to sleep for real, I can't. In the end I can only manage another couple of hours before it's time to go back to the office.

...and so it goes on. for the last three days it's been a pattern of returning to the flat exhausted at lunchtime, dozing for a couple of hours, then dozing again for a couple of hours at some ungodly time in the morning, then work.

It's starting to really effect me. Already I'm run-down, I've got a killer sore-throat and bags under my eyes you could carry your weekly shopping in. It feels like it did when I was trying to hold down two jobs at once, snatching tiny snooze breaks whenever my shift patterns allowed me to. Despite only working one job now, I'm getting less sleep than I did back in the dark ages. With one of my assistants on holiday I don't have a full day off until a week on Wednesday....

....if I last that long.

p.s. Sorry, that sounded like a rant. It wasn't, just helps to tell someone otherwise I think I'd go mad. My teddies are sick of hearing me whinge at them!

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