November 11, 2008

What's in a Name?

"That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet"

Whilst I was on my travels on the Rock, I seized the opportunity to ask my friends if I could use their names in my Magnificent Octopus. It's only their christian names I want, not their surnames, but I thought it only polite that I ask if I could 'borrow' them for my book.

I'm not sure I even need permission to use a christian name. If I used the name 'Linda' for instance, I wouldn't I have to ask every Linda in the world if it's ok; so I don't think I have to ask my sister for permission, just because she's the only Linda I actually know first hand. I think the reason I began asking was just out of politeness.

It has thrown up an interesting quandary though, which came to light last night when I asked my friend Tara if I could include a character named after her. I told her the 'Tara' character would be the wife of the first victim and she sounded shocked. Are people going to assume I based the actual character who bears their name on their personality too?

This of course isn't the case. The only character I can honestly say behaves in the manner of someone I know is the central detective... and he's loosely based on me (well they say you should write about what you know!) I may have opened a can of worms though.....

Am I going to be sent hate mail if one one my friends shares their name with the muderer?
Am I going to be slapped in the face if the detective's love interest has the same name as a real female companion of mine?
Am I going to be sent to Coventry if a character that dies early on is named after a workmate?

For all those who read this blog, who might (eventually) end up reading the book, please note the following disclaimer:

All characters portrayed in this book are fictictious. Any resemblence to anyone, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The author wishes to state he was just too lazy to think up imaginary names for every character so he borrowed the names of his friends and family.

p.s. Please don't send me to Coventry. I have to change trains in Birmingham to get there and I HATE Birmingham! :o)

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