November 14, 2008

Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud

Something strange has arrived in the post...

Our work office is in a building with several other companies. Each company has it's own 'suite' and over time some companies have moved on and been replaced by others. The company that occupied our suite immediately prior to us was a holiday firm (not sure that's relevant but you know I like to keep you all upto date with the details)

Anyway, a parcel arrived in the post yesterday, addressed to an individual from the previous company. The padded envelope was stamped with the company logo "Absolute Aromas" and the contents felt large enough to be a pair of scented candles. Excellent, I thought, cheap Christmas presents for someone!

N.B. I am aware it is illegal to open other people's mail. I apologise wholeheartedly to the Royal Mail, and the intended recipient of the goods in question. If you come forward to claim your gift I will happily reimburse you.

As you may have guessed from the fact I'm writing a blog about this, it wasn't a pair of scented candles at all. Not even close. Inside were two 250g tubs of "5% Fuller's Earth". Now I confess I've never heard of Fuller's Earth, but the tubs they came in reminded me of the white containers you get herbal remedy pills in.

I crack the seal on one of the plastic lids and opened it up.....mud! Thick, dark, strangely scented mud. I now own 500g of posh dirt. I tried touching it and it's got the viscosity of homemade custard. (oooh look at me, using a word like viscosity!)

After a quick text to my Mum (my Mum knows the entire stock of Holland & Barretts and what each item is supposed to do) I discovered it's supposed to be applied to the skin. Very good for acne apparently and babies bums. The prospect of rubbing mud into a baby's bum doesn't exactly sound that appealing though does it!

It's hard to describe the aroma it gives off. Quite citrus-like, but with a hint of disinfectant. If you stick your nostrils right into the jar it is very overpowering. Not exactly unpleasant, but at the same time, not a smell I'd choose to rub on my face....

...although you know I'm going to have to try it tonight :o)

1 comment:

Manxroyal said...

I knew it would only be a matter of time before you started using beauty treatments...ha ha.