November 17, 2008

Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud Part II

Told you I'd try it...

Sunday afternoon, I'm at home watching the darts on ITV, enjoying a few cans and generally just chilling out. Sat in front of me is one of the tubs of 5% Fuller's Earth I brought home from work. It was staring back at me, willing me to rub it into my face. I've never had a very good sense of self control.

After the first set of darts matches I nipped to the bathroom, had a shave (didn't think it would help rubbing mud into stubble) and then a face scrub. I then returned to the lounge with a handheld mirror and removed my specs....

Well how to describe it. It doesn't apply very well, it smears rather than spreads. The smell isn't quite as overpowering as it is when it's in the jar so that was one fear avoided. After covering almost all my face and forehead, I glanced at myself in the mirror. I looked like I was trying to audtion for the black & white minstrels but got a blind man to apply my make-up!

After a few minutes my face suddenly felt very cold. A few minutes later the mud was beginning to dry out and everything hardened up. If I tried opening my mouth it was as though my face was cracking. Trying to take a swig from a can of beer was almost too difficult to execute. I didn't dare make myself a sandwich.

I had no idea how long to keep it on for. 5 minutes? an hour? two hours? overnight? Well overnight was pushing it. I didn't want to wake up with muddy pillows. Eventually I had had enough of it after about 60 minutes and went to wash it off.

This wasn't easy either. As the mud got wet it just moved around my face, rather than coming off. The sink was beginning to look like it did back in school when I used to clean my rugby boots in it! It took a good 10 minutes of washing and rinsing before I was satisfied I was mud free. I think I got away with it, the towel I dried myself wasn't caked in dirt.

So did it do any good? Not really sure. It was certainly a new experience, and my nose looked very shiny. I'm tempted to try it again on Thursday before I go to the theatre....

....I'll be using words like 'exfoliate' before you know it :o)

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