November 21, 2008

Definition of an Eejit Part VIII

There seems to be no cure for it - I'm still an Eejit.

Back at the start of the year, I purchased a theatre ticket. Nothing strange about that, except that the show wasn't until this month, November. The ticket was for a performance of the musical 'Witches of Eastwick' starring Marti Pellow. You remember him, lead singer of Wet Wet Wet - spent about six and a half years at number one with 'Love is All Around' back in the 90's. Anyway, I bought the ticket so early because advance bookings at that time got a 20% discount.

Last month, As I was setting the work rota for myself and my team, I made sure I gave myself the theatre night off, and an extra day next to it. All going well so far.

So I have Wednesday and Thursday off. Wednesday is set to be a lazy day, get some sleep, do some washing, possibly clean the kitchen. Thursday will be a lie in, possibly a trip into town then theatre in the evening. With me so far?

Well Wednesday almost went as planned. I got some rest, watched a couple of new DVDs, didn't get round to cleaning the kitchen but I did get all my laundry done.

Thursday, I slept in til about 10am. I got up, and before getting dressed I checked what time the theatre doors opened. 7pm for a 7.30pm curtain up. Good timing.....hang on....

....The ticket was for last night, the Wednesday. When I set my rota I had given myself the extra day off after the show, probably telling myself I could have a few drinks post-performance. At some point between setting my off days and yesterday I had convinced myself it was the opposite and my extra day off was before the play. It was now Thursday morning, I have a useless theatre ticket, and despite buying a ticket months in advance I am going to miss 'The Witches of Eastwick'.

This isn't the first time I've missed something at The Mayflower here in Southampton. By my reckoning I have bought tickets to 6 shows, and only attended 3. What an appalling record! In my 11 years in The Isle of Man I must have seen 30 or 40 shows at The Gaiety, and I don't recall missing a single one. The first one I missed here was 'The Wizard of Oz' (because I fell asleep), although I did buy new tickets for that one. The second was 'French and Saunders Live' which I am gutted I missed, but at the time I was very low and didn't want to leave my flat.

I am definately going to buy a ticket for the Monty Python musical 'Spamalot' which is on next year....

....I may need to get people to send me alarm calls on the day!

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