November 23, 2008

Here we go again.

Last night I got some bad news about a very close friend; almost identical news to that I got at the start of October.

It has nothing to do with me, there is nothing I can do to help or make anything better, but I can't stop it affecting me. You already know it doesn't take much to put me at a low, but when it happens to someone I care about, it sinks me even lower.

Back in October, it turned me back to the drink. It's unlikely that'll happen this time because I don't have the funds, and by the time I do, I hope to have pulled myself out of the mire. If I go quiet for a few days, don't worry, I'll be back to my idiot old self as soon as possible.

Sorry if this all seems selfish. I'm sure it sounds like me looking for sympathy for someone else's grief. It's not, I assure you. You just have to bear in mind this blog is an output for my feelings - good and bad - I can only write about what I am going through. I can't be a window for anyone else's emotions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your blog.