November 06, 2008

Fraggle Rock Part II

To be perfectly honest, there isn't much to report about my little adventure this time.

I don't mean that to sound like I had a bad time, far from it, it's just it was everything I expected. On the Saturday I arrived, I met up with my friends, including Jackie. We stayed in the pub til late, mainly playing cards and having a really good laugh. Sarah came in too with a couple of her friends, and as I was staying at her house it meant I got a lift home as well.

A friend of hers from rugby was also staying over, so I took the couch. In the morning I had a bit of time with Caoimhe before I got the bus down to Port Erin to spend the day with Jackie. It started with a carvery meal, which I didn't appreciate much (I was still a little delicate from the night before). We stayed in the pub though for a few hours, chatting, feeding the juke-box, putting the world to rights. It was a lovely, relaxing way to spend an afternoon.

That night, I treated me and Sarah to an Indian take-away and we played a couple of games of Scrabble (for the record I won 2-nil!)

Next morning I looked after baby for half an hour or so whilst her mum did household things. I took her for a walk too to get breakfast for Sarah. The rest of the day I spent in Douglas with friends, including meeting up briefly with Tim and Lyndsey and meeting baby Jasmine for the first time. Such a cutie. The night finished with a few games of darts (for the record I won 3-nil!) before returning to Sarah's for a pizza and more Scrabble (for the record I lost 2-nil!)

Final day, was more of a day of winding down. I left Sarah's in the morning, walked into town and just stayed there until it was time for the ferry. Nothing exciting to report, no incidents, no causes for concern, just a day of sitting down, chewing the fat with different friends. Quite a somber day really in retrospect.

I did everything I set out to do, I saw the people I wanted to see, perhaps I just wanted it to last a bit longer....

....and I realised I haven't got over Sarah yet either.

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