November 06, 2008

Fraggle Rock Part I

I'm back! Anybody miss me? anybody? I've been back over to The Isle of Man, possibly my last visit for several months, but I hope it won't be.

As usual I'll start with the travel. What A nightmare. My train to Manchester was set to go ontime. I had a reserved seat, my portable DVD player, some sandwiches and a few cans Direct journey, so no need to change in London or Birmingham, what could go wrong?

Problem 1. The trian before mine had broken down with mechanical trouble, leaving a full set of passengers stranded. These helpless individuals were therefore forced to get on our train.

Problem 2. It was Friday and after 5pm. The worst time for long distance train travel as it is the most common time for commuters to go home.

Problem 3. It was the start of half-term for all major universities. My particular train has come from Bournemouth (which has a uni) Southampton (which has 2) and passes through Coventry, Birmingham, Oxford and Reading (all with big campuses). Students have never heard of travelling light, so as well as themselves they have a suitcase each and a rucksack (probably full of dirty washing for their Mums)

I managed to get into my reserved seat, but spent most of the journey squashed on both sides. It was only when I got past Birmingham that things started to quieten down a little. It was so busy a group of students were using the toilet cubicle as a make-shift party venue (one of whom was dressed as a giant chicken. Really, I'm not making this up!). I didn't dare drink any of the beer I'd brought with me in case I got caught short.

The ferry over to the island the next day wasn't too bad. Very busy, considering it was sailing from Heysham, but not so bad that I couldn't get a seat. Actually arrived 20 minutes early too, which I've never heard of before. Gave me an extra 20 minutes in the pub when I arrived :o)

Coming home was fairly uneventful. I slept part of the way on the ferry, it was so quiet. The trains were relatively peaceful too. This time I had to get across London, but it was well after rush-hour. I arrived back at the flat to a pile of bills, the whole apartment the temperature of the Arctic Circle, and a funny smell coming from the kitchen (I forgot to put the bin out before I left). I just went to bed and stayed there til it was time for work the next morning....

....back to the grindstone.

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