November 07, 2008

Agatha Christie: The Case of the Missing Razor Blades

It's that time again. Time to stimulate your little grey cells and help me. A pack of 8 razor blades have vanished......

.....and this time the crime remains unsolved.

Ok, we need to back track about 2 weeks. I had just been paid, and as usual I headed off into town with my little shopping list to buy the essentials for the month ahead. I always do it now - make a list as the month goes on of things that are about to run out and then as soon as my wages hit my account I go out and purchase them all. This month the list was as follows:

Pack of 60 "one a day" multi vitamin tablets
Tube of antiseptic cream for emergencies
Bottle of mouthwash
A bottle of face scrub
A packet of Gillette Fusion razor blades

Well wasn't that a stroke of luck. This month's list can all be purchased at Superdrug or Boots. One quick shop and it'll all be done. Superdrug it is (well it's nearer to home than Boots, and as I don't have a Boots loyalty card there was no point walking the extra 50 yards).

Ok, so far so good. I was up and down the aisles in a flash, grabbing everything I needed and getting to the counter in less than 5 minutes. Everything on the list as required, including the blades...

...a little break here. Have you bought razor blades recently? If not, let me explain that you don't actually pick up the blades in the shop anymore, all you select is a piece of cardboard showing what you would like to purchase. You hand this over to the disfunctional YTS girl at the check-out and she retrieves the real razors from under the counter. I think it's supposed to deter shop-lifters or something. I only mention this because it could be significant in your investigations later on.

Ok, total bill came to about £20 (I know, seems pricey, but the blades alone were £13 and those vitamins aren't cheap). I carry it all home in a tiny pink plastic carrier bag and leave it on the kitchen table. I take out the vitamin pills so I can take the first one, but the other purchases remain in the bag until required.

Now fast forward to last night. Time for a shave. I've started looking like neanderthal man. I need a new blade for my razor so it's over to the pink bag......empty. Ok, not to worry, I must have already unpacked them - they'll be in the bathroom. Nope. Fallen on the floor in the kitchen? Nope.

And that is why I am stuck (and getting hairier). I am dumbfounded to know what I've done with them. If I've unpacked them, where did I put them? Did I even pick them up in the shop in the first place? Perhaps the dizzy YTS girl scanned the cardboard cut-out but never gave me the real blades. I really have no idea.

Tonight I'll go through the flat with a fine tooth comb looking for them, but if I don't find them...

...I'm going to have to trim my face with a kitchen carving knife!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

get a Boots Ad card - you're mad if you don't have one.......bonus points are always on offer!!!