October 11, 2008

Updating the Masses Part III

Just a note to tell you all what has (and hasn't) been happening in the idiot world recently.

Last Saturday I got some very sad news concerning a close friend. It's not my place to pass on details, but it's left me very down for the past week.

Also since last weekend I've been drinking heavily. Hand on heart, I don't think these two stories are linked, but perhaps subconciously they are. Feels like I've spent the last 7 days with a permenant hang-over. I'm off again on Tuesday and Wednesday next week so hopefully I can spend at least one of them in bed and shake of the headaches.

Despite the drinking I've been eating quite well. Made a huge casserole two days ago which I'm only just coming to the end of. In between I've had several salads, bio-yoghurts and fresh fruit. Sort of a surprise really. Usually when I'm drinking I go without food, or else rely on junk. Treated myself to some of the nice cheeses from the farmers market too.

I've booked my travel for my return to Fraggle Rock. That's definately something to look forward to. I haven't been over since I was with Sarah, and that's going back to early summer. Talking of Sarah, she's kindly offered me her spare room, so that means I get to see Caoimhe again. I'm glad. Wasn't sure if I'd get the chance otherwise.

I've been playing quite a bit of online Scrabble. Again, most of it has been against Sarah, but I've also been playing random females too. As usual I end up flirting with them, and in a couple of cases they've flirted back too. Lyn from Milton Keynes seemed the nicest. Have to be careful. This is sort of how I met Jayne from Widnes a few years ago, but that ended up in tears.

Other than that it's been quiet for the past few days. Work has ticked along steadily, thankfully with less errors too. My boss is due back in Southampton next week so I have to tidy the flat (it looks like a pig-sty at the moment) and the pub next to the office has re-opened....

....but the quiz machine is broken!

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