October 05, 2008

2 Steps Forward, 3 Steps Back

When I came back from my little jaunt to Ireland, I was faced by a box full of e-mails from my boss.

Everytime I spend time away from the office, I seem to come back to a whole host of problems. Mistakes the rest of my team have made that have cost the company money. When I'm in, nothing ever seems to go wrong, or if it does, we spot it in plenty of time. Just feels like I can't take time off anymore, but that is exactly what I want to do. One of the benefits of having a team of people with me was the 60 hour weeks were supposed to be behind me.

Already I've had to change the rota to give up a day off next week. Looks like I'll have to do that for the next few weeks too, so the office always has two people in at any one time. I've been told to sack one of the new workers, but so far I've refused. I'm not giving up on them that easily.

God knows what the next few months will hold. I have no idea now what I can plan for Christmas. I want New Years Day off too to go to Tara's birthday party back in Shannon.

That was all, just wanted to let off steam a bit...

...The plant has stopped listening to me.

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