October 02, 2008

If Only I'd Gone Last Week....Part II

The time in Ireland

Tara met me at the airport and drove me back to her lovely house. I met her husband and her two gorgeous daughters and we had a family meal together. We spent the rest of the night chatting, watching telly, having a few beers and generally just chilling out.

Next day Tara took me for a drive to show me the local countryside and we ended up at the Cliffs of Moher. The drive was through torrential rain, but by the time we got to our destination it had moved on. Moher is a stunning set of cliffs and rock stacks that is truely breath-taking. Actually, 'breath-taking' is quite appropriate as we found ourselves climbing up a long flight of steps in gale force winds. I just about managed to keep my balance (thanks largely to my ample frame) but Tara found herself being blown around like a crisp packet caught in an updraft! I tried not to laugh, but it wasn't easy :)

Before lunch we went for a walk on the beach. Still blowing like a tornado, but it was such a beautiful setting. I can imagine it being a very romantic spot if the weather is a bit more accomodating. This is a good moment to explain the blog title. Between them, Tara and David (her husband) must have used the phrase 'shame you weren't here last week, the weather was lovely' 30 or 40 times. Became a running joke by the end. There is something else I need to add here....I fell on my arse trying to walk down a slipway to get to the sand. Lets forget that bit now and move on.

We had a spot of lunch in a pub back in town. I almost wrote 'in an Irish pub' then, but that'd just be silly. I had my first Irish pint of the black stuff, and it was very nice, but not exactly that different from those poured in the UK. Perhaps we just didn't find the right bar.

That night they took me out for a quick pub evening meal and then David left me and Tara to get slowly drunk while he went home to baby-sit. A few more beers, a few more glasses of Guinness and we were both gone. We put the world to rights, sang songs, made fun of American tourists and in the second pub we got to warm ourselves by a real log fire. Evening ended with Tara putting her ipod on and attempting to dance without falling over. A great night.

It was a shame it was so short, but it won't be the last time, and I hope she can come back to Soton again....

...She's one special lady.

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