October 02, 2008

If Only I'd Gone Last Week....Part I

I'm back from my short trip to the Emerald Isle. I'll split it into two entries for you. Aren't I kind.

Ok, The travel. I was doing all the travelling in one go, rather than stop half way at my parents house. Getting there was a fairly boring train ride to London. Strangest thing was the ticket inspector thought I was travelling on the wrong train. I had to explain to him how the ticket system worked. Then onto the Underground to get to Euston. I love the Underground, but it's quite an experience at rush hour. From the top of the stairs to getting on the tube I felt like a baked bean in a tin. We all moved forward as a unit, piled onto the trains til the doors closed, and at each station people piled out again until there were very few left. Considering it's been around since Victorian times, the London Underground is still a wonderful concept in transportation.

Euston to Manchester was on one of those leaning trains. With a reserved seat, a book to read, a couple of beers and and empty seat next to me, it was the perfect way to travel. It's moments like this that make me proud of our railways. (Just those moments mind you - next time there is a delay or cancellation I'll be ripping strips off them!)

The trains home were quiet. Getting across the Underground was a lot less like a Heinz experience, and much more relaxed. Only problem was it was the end of a long day, I was tired to the bone but I can never sleep on trains. Really glad to make it back to the flat and get my head down.

And inbetween the trains.... the flights. It was my first time with Ryanair and on the whole they were everything I expected. On both flights I managed to get the emergency exit seats with the extra leg room. Both flights gave me an empty seat next to me and on both flights we got on and off with fairly little hassle.

With it being a budget airline though, the hour long journey time was nothing more than the stewards trying to sell me things. Food, drink, non-duty free gifts, scratch cards, newspapers. You name it, they had it. It can get a bit tiresome after a while. Then again, if it helps me get to Ireland for less than £40 return I can't really complain.

Shannon airport was a bit of an experience. There was no problem getting through security, but I found myself in a hall with 250 US army personnel, all in camoflage gear. I thought at first there had been a terrorist alert, but it appeared not...

...They all had pints of Guinness in their hands.

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