September 28, 2008

Falling From a Great Height

On Friday I fell off the wagon. It was just a stupid, petty thing that set me off, but I always knew it wouldn't take much.

Strange thing is, after a couple of beers I wasn't down anymore. I felt awake and alive. After several more I was back to being at a real low, but now it was because I was ashamed at myself for giving in and letting myself get upset too easily.

It did give me a moment to think about the novel. I had tried writing the first chapter, but found myself rewriting it several times because it just didn't feel right. After a few drinks, I knew what the problem was. I was writing it in the third person, and I'm much better at writing in the first person. When I came into work on the Saturday with a bit of a headache, I deleted what I had already created and started again. It flowed so much more easily and I can move the story along at a much steadier pace. The main character is loosely based on me, so it makes sense to write it from his perspective.

That's it really. Nothing else to report. Off to Ireland tomorrow for two nights...

...can't wait.

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