September 24, 2008

SAS Survival Guide Part II

Scanning back through my blog I noticed that almost all my entries have 'part...' at the end of the title. Feels like I've got three or four ongoing stories that I need to keep revisiting. Well here's another of them. My food rationing exploits.

You may remember that I was trying to survive on £10 for ten days. Most of that went at the farmers market on Friday. A lovely large nutty loaf, a big bag of HUGE navel oranges, several locally produced flavoured cheeses and some cheap margarine. I also got a big bottle of very cheap diet lemonade from the Co-op.

Sadly, by Monday most of this had gone. There was still some cheese left, and lots of margarine, but the oranges had all been eaten, and so had the loaf. I needed to stock up as best I could, but funds had disappeared. I resorted to the only avenue left open to me. I raided the piggy bank.

..Well it's a giant plastic Coke bottle really that I put my coppers in, but I managed to scrape together £3 that I could change at the bank. Clutching my coins in my hand I headed back to the Co-op and straight to the 'reduced to clear' shelf. For £3 I managed to get:

1 packet of mixed leaf salad (including loads of rocket which I adore)
1 tub of coleslaw
1 packet of wafer thin chicken slices
1 loaf of white sliced bread
1 punnet of green grapes
1 jar of tikka cooking sauce.

How is that for a £3 shopping list!

...Hence the picture attached. That is a mixed salad I created. Took me less than 5 minutes. I chopped the two crusts of the loaf into rough cubes and dry fried them. While they were cooking I took a generous handful of salad leaves and added a few cubes of chilli flavoured cheese. I broke up about three slices of wafer thin chicken, added that, then drizzled over a raspberry and mint dressing (that came free with the salad). Tossed it lightly then added the homemade croutons. Ate it immediately with a small dollop of coleslaw on the side and it was delicious. (Even if I do say so myself)...

...Tonight it's pasta in a tikka sauce.

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