September 23, 2008

These Boots are Made for Walking Part II

4 days off in 5 days, and on all 4 I went for a one hour walk... Impressed?

Sunday was a gorgeous day. It's been wonderful weather for a while now actually, but Sunday was especially nice. I went off on my daily trek through the park, but when I reached the end I decided to turn left. I found myself entering another, smaller grassy area and next to it was a large, white building. On closer inspection it turned out to be Southampton's Art Gallery. On further inspecton it appeared to be open. On even closer inspection is had free entry!

I ventured inside and found 8 seperate gallaries of paintings. The subject matter, age, quality etc was very varied. Old masters hanging next to contempory art. Oil on canvas alongside watercolours. Some of them were breath-taking. Others I could have knocked up myself in a shed.

I didn't stay long. Not because it wasn't fascinating, but because I was the only one in there and the curator was stalking me through the different halls. I made a hasty exit, but I will be returning on a different day to fully appreciate the works on display. I was supposed to leave a £2 deposit in the box by the stairs....

...I only had 40 pence on me, and I wasn't giving up my bottle of lemonade!

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