September 23, 2008

Definition of an Eejit Part VI

I've damaged my wonderful hand-held vacuum cleaner. I'm such an eejet.

It was Sunday night. I'd settled down to watch the new episode of Poirot on ITV. Last weeks had been a bit of a disappointment, but I had high hopes for this one. It was dark outside, and I had cooked myself a sort of pasta and tinned tomato mix thing.

It was so dark in the flat, I had to turn on a light to avoid making a mess on the floor and on me. Rather than use the main light, and spoil the cinema atmosphere, I used the table lamp from my bedroom and propped it up in the corner of the lounge, near my DVD shelves. It's also where I store my sexy conical vacuum cleaner. The table lamp is one of those that can be angled to any position (an angle poised lamp? is that what they're called?) Sadly, the angle part of it is very floppy, so I have to rest the head of it on something solid if I want it to stay upright. I decided to rest it on the top of my cleaner.

After Poirot had finished it was time for bed. I went to turn off the lamp and could smell a faint 'melting plastic smell'. Lifting up the head, I found the hot bulb has melted the top of the vacuum cleaner, damaging the on/off switch and scorching the white plastic with a nasty brown colour. It still works, but now, to turn it off, I have to pull the switch up manually with a knife. I'm devestated.

So once again, despite being alcohol free for a full week, I am still a bone fide eejet.

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