September 20, 2008

These Boots are Made for Walking

Two days off, no money, no new DVDs to watch. What should I do with my spare time? I know, lets take my new boots for a test drive...

...well, test walk really

The sun was out, there was nothing on daytime TV that didn't involve house make-overs or selling antiques so I decided to go and explore the local area and try and find places to eat and drink I hadn't seen before. I knew there was a big park behind the shops so that seemed as good a place to start as any. I had my music, I was wearing my new boots and I looked quite dapper (even if I do say so myself

It was a lovely day. I strolled, around the park for nearly an hour. There was the smell of freshly cut grass where ever I went. Blooming flower beds, the relaxing sound of water from the peace fountain, no traffic noise, just the general buzz of people going about their daily lives. By the time I got back home I'd been out for nearly two hours and hadn't stopped walking throughout.

My feet had held up ok. The little toe on my right foot was a little sore where it had rubbed against the inside of my shoe, but nothing a quick soak in a bowl of warm water couldn't put right. I planned to do it again the next day. Maybe not for as long (in case my toe was still rubbing), but at least I'd be out of the flat.

Next day. Same time. Same basic direction. Rather than retrace my steps I walked through the shopping area parallel to the park. When I got to the end I turned to the right and entered the park from the other end. Here was the Southampton I had come to know. Tramps sharing cans of Special Brew on a park bench, another pushing an empty Asda shopping cart in front of him. Teenagers sat around a bench shouting comments at women as they walked past. Kids on bikes almost running down an old lady. Over flowing litter bins, rubbish strewn everywhere. This was less than 100 yards form the area I had walked to yesterday. It was like a part of the city people forgot to care about.

I know every town has it's problems, and they can't be solved over night. It was just such a disappoinment after the lovely walk I'd had the day before, to find myself in the slums of the city. I didn't stay out for as long this time. Not in the mood.

On the plus side. I did find a few of the bars and pubs that offer live music on a regular basis. I see adverts for bands all the time, but have never been able to find the venues. Now I have, I can make the effort to see what the local music scene is like...

...Just need to wait til payday first.

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