October 12, 2008

Definition of an Eejit Part VII

I've gone and done it again!

Remember the tale of me walking round with a casserole trying to find out if a fuse had tripped, well I've gone and done something else just as silly involving the fuses in my flat.

It all began on Thursday. I made another casserole in my slow cooker, and by the end of Friday I had eaten most of it. I had drunk a few beers, watched a couple of movies and channel surfed the TV. At some point past midnight I decided to call it a night. Naturally I couldn't sleep, and for some reason I was thinking about carbon footprints. Actually that's not strictly true, I was thinking about ways to reduce my electricity bill. I know I am guilty more than most of leaving appliances on 'stand-by', leaving lights on in rooms I'm not in etc. It was in this moment of clarity that I decided to do something productive about that.

First thing I did was go round my room and the lounge turning off everythng I could find at the plug. DVD player, TV, hand-held vacuum, you name it, I powered it down fully. Next I moved into the kitchen....

...of course I didn't turn the light on, that would defeat the purpose. Who needs it anyway, I know where the plug points are, so I can easily flick them off without looking at them. That is exactly what I did.

Fast forward to Saturday evening. I come in from work and go to the fridge to make myself a beef salad sandwich. The fridge light doesn't come on. The sliced beef isn't cold. The fridge isn't humming....

...If you look at the attached picture, you can see exactly what I did in the dark. Instead of switching the sandwich toaster and slow cooker off, I turned off the bank of fuses that are also on the wall. The first two control the plug points and the cooker, so there was no problem there, but the third one is directly linked to the fridge-freezer. It's been off for about 16 hours.

Thankfully the seal on the freezer is in tact, so nothing in there defrosted. Doesn't appear to be any damage in the fridge either, except I'll probably have to eat my yoghurts a bit quicker now. Good job I fancied a beef sandwich when I got in from work....

...otherwise most of my Tesco delivery would be in the bin by now!

1 comment:

Ali said...

You really aren't good with electrics are you! Your posts on these themes are always the funniest :) xx