October 29, 2008

Sleeping on a Slope Part II

Ok, I admit it, I'm a fat bastard.

Another leg on my bed has given way. For the past few weeks my bed had been propped up on a set of plastic storage boxes, ever since one of the legs gave way on me. Now the other leg at the top of the bed had disappeared, leaving me sleeping on a slope once again. Whereas last time I was in danger of rolling out of bed, now I am in danger of cracking my skull on the side wall.

I have three options. I can remove the boxes, which will even out the height of the bed at the top, but leave me sleeping with my feet higher than my brain. This could result in the blood rushing to my head and making it explode.

I could remove the boxes, but sleep in the bed upside down. This would make the blood rush away from my brain, leaving me less intelligent than normal, and also with heavily swollen feet.

I could move the boxes to the middle section of the top of the bed. This should even out the height, but if I put to much weight on the edge the boxes will act like a pivot and I'm liable to tip the whole thing over.

In the end I decided to go with option three, but in the process I think I destroyed half the slats underneath the mattress. It's not easy trying to lift a bed and mattress on your own whilst simultaneously positioning a stack of boxes underneath. Now I've finished, I'm basically relying on a lumpy mattress, supported by a broken frame of plywood off-cuts......

...oh well, who needs sleep anyway.


Anastácio Soberbo said...

Hello, I like the blog.
It is beautiful.
Sorry not write more, but my English is bad writing.
A hug from Portugal

Ali said...

Hey you! Get rid of the bed and just sleep on the mattress on the floor, you will be nearer to the ground and therefore feel closer to nature and the earth and before you know it you'll be hugging trees. And you could stick glow in the dark stars to the ceiling and pretend you are camping, bed time will be far more interesting! :o) xx