September 09, 2008

Back to Work

Back in the old days I seem to remember the first day back at work whizzing past at the speed of light. By the time you've checked and deleted a weeks worth of e-mails, told everyone in ear-shot your holiday stories, reset all your passwords because you can't remember any of them and taken an extended lunch it's time to go home...

..not today though. Today has really dragged. I've been on a 'full' day (that's 7am til 8pm) but the clock seems to be running backwards. Feels like I've been sat on this chair for 13 days, not 13 hours. If it wasn't for Sky TV I swear I would have been bouncing off the walls with boredom.

I did have a bit of good news though. My boss made a brief appearance before returning to Germany. Looks like he wants to keep up the flat we share (despite the fact he's never in it) so it means I don't have to worry about moving house. He also hinted that the training in Malta is back on, and he wants me to go, probably in November. Living in a hotel for 3 weeks, avoiding the UK weather could be fun, especially now I have no ties to keep me here. I've been knocked back in the past though, so I'm refusing to get my hopes up.

I've spent a lot of today planning the staff rota. It is SO hard trying to keep all 4 of us happy. It does look like I'll be spending a lot less time in the office from now on though. Working 4 days a week instead of 5 and a lot less 13 hour shifts. That'll give me a lot more free time....

....time to start writing that novel :o)

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