September 10, 2008

Two in One

Two things to pass on to you all. Despite the fact they are completely unrelated I'll stick them both in one entry.

Firstly, I received a very strange apology today. Recently I've had quite a few apologies. People apologising for hurting me, messing me around, letting me down and so on. In all cases I've just moved on. Life is too short to dwell on things. I didn't used to think like that, I was always one for bearing a grudge for years, but what's the point?

Anyway, I was chatting online to my boss about work stuff when he suddenly said ''I'm sorry''. At first I had no idea what he was talking about, but then he explained. Last night when he was leaving the office and mentioned Malta I told him about me being single again. He said something along the lines of "Oh, Ok, so there won't be a problem with you going to Malta then?".

I didn't think anything of it, but apparently he told his wife what he'd said when he got home to Germany and she let rip! She told him he'd been uncaring and insensitive towards me and she forced him to apologise! He had no right to expect me to go to Malta just because I had split up, and he was supposed to show more care towards his staff. I really hadn't read anything into what he'd said to me, but now at least I know I have his wife on my side :o) Ok, the apology was forced out of him, and it was only by online text, but it was certainly a surprise.

Ok, second thing. I've made a start on the novel! Only plot ideas, characters, locations etc. but it's the first baby step towards writing the initial chapter. This will probably take me years to complete, but I have no pre-conceptions about ever getting it into print. It'd just be nice to get to the end of it with a story I'm happy with. Big question though....

...Do I put a gratuitious sex scene in it? :o)

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