September 13, 2008

20,160 minutes of hell.

From Monday 15th September I will commence a two week period of zero alcohol.

Now I know what you're thinking. "If he's going to detox for a fortnight, why not just start it now. Why wait til Monday?". That's perfectly true, I should begin straight away but I'm off work on Sunday, and I've been looking forward to a few quiet beers, a Jonathan Creek marathon, and maybe a trip to the pub to watch Southampton play QPR on telly.

So Monday it is. But I know what you are thinking now. "Why a fortnight? Why not a month?". Simple. In two weeks I go to Ireland to see Tara and it wouldn't be the same without a drink or two. I'm really looking forward to this trip.

I know this two week dry spell should be accompanied by healthy eating and vigorous exercise but lets take one thing at a time! Healthy eating is probably out of the question as I'm almost out of money for the month, but I'll make sure I take in plenty of water and try not to snack on junk. Exercise? not really me, but I am walking a lot more than I did. I always take the longer route home now and a few days ago I even went on a one hour trek out of town. It was a nice day, I had my music, was wearing my comfy shoes so I thought 'why not?'.

On a completely seperate note, I have had to laugh today. I saw on Facebook that two men are fighting over Sarah's affections. Caoimhe's real Dad, and the guy she started dating when she split from me. Two grown men acting like 5 year olds. I suppose I should be upset. It sort of makes even more of a mockery of the 'relationship' I thought I had had with her, but I'm not. It's hilarious.

On another completely seperate (and final) note, the clothes I bought online that had arrived when I returned from Norfolk are all fantastic. The polo shirts are a really flattering fit, and superb material. The Ben Sherman shirt is casual enough for day to day wear, but still has a 'smart' feel to it. The jeans have a designer look, and fit well all the way down and the boots are so comfortable. I could walk for miles in them I'm wearing all new things today. One of the polo shirts, the jeans and the boots. Sort of gives you a confidence boost when you feel well dressed. Being the size I am I have to resign myself to buying the bulk of my wardrobe online. High street stores don't usually stock things in my measurements. It can be a depressing experience knowing that...

..but I'll get over it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh the joys of Facebook! Sounds like you have had a lucky escape x