September 12, 2008

My Magnificent Octopus Part I

Well I said I'd started my novel, and I have.

Two A4 pages of notes so far. Of course I've not actually written the first line of text yet, but the plot is coming together. Characters might not have names yet, but they already have background stories. I have a few ideas for red herrings, just got to decide when to introduce them.

I've already encountered a few problems. When I get an idea I immediately write it down in my note file. If I read something back later and no longer like it, I get rid of it. What I am finding, when I read things back, is I can see where I got the inspiration from. I initially think I'm having original thoughts, but when I come back with fresh eyes I can see Agatha Christie influences, Midsomer Murder plot twists, Jonathan Creek misdirection devices and so on. Although it isn't a direct rip-off of one central author or story, all I am creating so far is a melting pot of previous detective books.

But is that a bad thing? I'm sure many crime novels could be broken down into seperate elements and attributed to other works. It's how they are brought together that is important. I hope I can inject enough originality to make it a good read.

I'm sure I'll add several blog entries about it as I progress, but I don't intend on letting any of the plot slip. What would be the point in that? IF I ever finish it, I'll try to get it published, but I don't hold out any expectations. If it doesn't end up in print, I'll make it available as a free e-book for you all :)

....and I think I will add a love scene too :)

Explanation of the blog title.

Some of you may have understood the 'magnificent octopus' reference. To the uninitiated, it refers to an episode of Blackadder III, when Blackadder himself has written a great novel "Edmund - A Butler's Tale". He describes it as his Magnus Opus. Baldrick, has also written a novel about a sausage, which he describes as his Magnificent Octopus. Thought it was appropriate to use the phrase too. It might not be my Magnus Opus, but it'll try to be :o)

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