July 17, 2008

Meeting the In-Laws

While Sarah and Caoimhe were with me, we all took a brief trip over to Jersey to visit her Father. He works there as a prison security guard. Understandably I was extremely nervous, it's always difficult to meet the family for the first time. To increase the tension, Sarah and her step-mother are not on very good speaking terms at the moment.

Thankfully it all seemed to go very well. Sarah's Dad was very pleasant towards me. I initially thought he was a little cold, but I was reassured that was just his way. The fact that he hadn't ripped off my arm and used it as a weapon against me was a good sign :o) We visited the war tunnels in the morning which was a fascinating experience and in the evening he cooked for us all. The tension was there but not as bad as it might have been. All in all it was a very pleasant trip. Ashley, Sarah's step-sister was very friendly and bubbly and everyone at the table kept the conversation flowing so there were no embarrassing silences.

Caoimhe was a star on the flights in and out of the island. On the first trip she was a little bit cranky before we took off, but on the return leg she slept right through. One thing to bear in mind though if you are planning a visit to the Channel Islands....

...Jersey airport security staff only have one brain cell between them.

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