July 17, 2008

Anybody Miss Me?

You may have realised that there hasn't been any new entries for a while. I do have a valid excuse this time. Sarah and Caoimhe have been over to visit me for the past ten days so I took the time off work, and hence didn't have computer access.

It's been wonderful. A chance to spend time as a family. Just doing normal day to day tasks with someone else there has been a real treat for me. I'm missing them both already, but it's only about 6 weeks til we meet up again to go to Norfolk.

Having Sarah here has taught me a few things about myself too. Some I probably already knew, but others were an interesting revalation:

1. I hate shopping. I knew I wasn't a fan of it, but now I know it's officially one of my least liked activities.

2. I can't cook jacket potatoes properly. Well I can, but not when they are all different sizes.

3. I can't hum the high note of the Midsomer Murders theme tune without making my eyes pop out of my head. This alone is enough to put certain people into fits of hysterical laughter.

4. My impression of a startled rabbit on a motorbike is scarily accurate. This can also have the same laughter effect.

5. I am a lot better dealing with babies than I thought I was. I had no problems with the feeding, winding, cuddling and putting Caoimhe to sleep. I admit I only changed one nappy, but I was happy to deal with the nappy sacks and sick moments. It probably helped that she is such a well behaved child.

6. I like Tiramisu, despite the fact it's coffee flavoured and I can't stand coffee.

....and 7. I know far too much about Jonathan Creek

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