July 04, 2008

General Update

I feel I need to update the world on where I am right now.

Firstly, I've had more response to the 'blog removed' entry than I had to any other post. I suppose it's natural to want to know the details of something bad. Those that need to know, are now informed to the details of the missing text. If anyone else is still curious, then please feel free to let the matter pass.

Secondly, I have attempted two more omelettes since my master class attempt. Both failures. I really think I've peaked in the egg based department. I'l stick to fried and scrambled from now on.

Thirdly, my current persona is quite high. I'm no longer in a 'bad place'. Largely this is to do with Sarah and Caoimhe coming to visit, but it also can be contributed to Tara tracking me down too. Tara is an old work mate from the early HSBC days. Such a lovely person to work with, it's going to be great to have a chance to catch up on missed gossip.

I won't hide the fact that I don't like myself. I'm not proud of the way I've led my life, but I'm trying my best to get out of the rut. It's going to take time, and I'm not always confident I'm strong enough to make it, but every day that passes is a day closer to the end of the tunnel.

Thank you to everyone who has been there for me so far. Please remember though that this blog is a personal record for me. I welcome feedback, comments, support - even criticism if it's constructive - but please leave it as comments on the blog. My feelings are open, so any feeback you have should be open too. If you read something that you feel needs to be addressed then leave a 'comment'.

...I love you all x


Anonymous said...

Hope you learn to like yourself soon... what is possibly not to like?
((((((( big hug )))))))
Ali xx

Silent Witness said...

Well I just wanted to say I really enjoyed our 're-union' and I hope your spirits remain high....

Love Lots