July 02, 2008

The Holy Grail of the Kitchen

After years of trying, I conquered my demons and fulfilled my destiny. Last night I finally made a perfect omelette.

I'm not a bad cook. I know how to follow a recipe and I make a pretty decent Sunday lunch but I have never been able to make an omelette successfully. Every time I've tried, it's always turned into scrambled egg. There has always been an issue when it comes to the folding bit and no matter what I do the omelette has always broken up. The food hasn't gone to waste, it still remains edible, it's just the lack of presentation that was alluding me.

I had tried everything. Varying how hard I beat the eggs, adding the filling at different stages, using different sized pans, trying an array of heat settings - you name it, I've given it a whirl. Always the same result though... oeufs brouilles.

Last night as it approached midnight I decided I was hungry. I realised I hadn't eaten anything all day except for a small sausage roll and a chopped up apple at work. I needed something quick and easy so another attempt at a cheese omelette it would be. Resigning myself to the fact I would actually be snacking on an eggy mush I set to work.

Instead of going at it like a military operation I just went with what ever 'felt right'. Set the pan warming, added a little oil. Whilst that heated I beat three eggs in a pyrex jug and added a bit of black pepper. I grated some cheese in readiness and went for it.

Poured the eggs into the pan, moved it around, lifted the edge occasionally to allow excess liquid to flow. I added the cheese to one side and then lifted one side with my spatula....it lifted in one, light, piece.

I folded it over and the underside was a gorgeous golden brown, an even colour right across the whole of the base. I then lifted the folded omelette out of the pan, onto a plate and just stared at it. Why were there no witnesses to this monumental acheivement?

But how did it taste? Heaven. So light and fluffy in the middle. Just the right amount of seasoning and cheese....

...I'll take a picture next time! :o)

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