June 13, 2008

Twenty20 Cricket Ticket Part II

All done. I've used my Cricket Ticket, visited the Rosebowl and watched Hampshire get beaten to a pulp, but of course, it didn't all go to plan (does it ever).

I knew I had to catch the 8A bus. It's the only one that runs from Southampton City Centre to the stadium. From what I could deduce from the online timetable, the best bus to catch would depart from Vincent's Walk at 16:32 to arrive just after 5pm. Ok so far except for two minor drawbacks...

...I've no idea where Vincent's Walk is, and unless the Rosebowl is quite distinctive, I don't know where to get off at the other end. Thankfully, the latter problem never arose as the stadium is a huge, imposing structure that couldn't be mistaken for anything else. Oh, and there was a great big road sign that read "Welcome to The Rosebowl: Home of Hampshire County Cricket Club".

But what about where to get on the bus. I'd tried to pinpoint Vincent's Walk on an online map, but it appeared to just be a small alleyway behind Primark. My work colleague didn't seem to recognise the name either, but suggested the main road behind the shops would be the likeliest place. I decided to do the sensible thing, and go and investigate about an hour before my bus was due. Assuming I found it, I could always go for a pint before catching the bus.

I walked to the shops, went behind Primark, and lo and behold there were a whole line of bus stops. As I moved along the row, I saw an 8A bus pull up at the furthest stop. This is where I made a fatal mistake... I decided to get on it. It completely escaped my attention that I was going to arrive at about 3.30pm and the gates don't open til 5.

Sadly, The area around the ground is not awash with facilities. It's on the outskirts of the urban area with no shops, pubs or cafes in sight, I didn't fancy hanging around outside so I decided to try my luck... (it's currently 3.40pm, and the gates don't open til 5pm)

"Sorry Sir, gates don't open for at least another hour"

"Really? That's not what your website told me" - That's a complete lie, but he had no way of proving me wrong without going online himself. The website clearly told me gates open at 5pm for a 7pm game start.

"Do you have a hospitality ticket Sir? We can let hospitality ticket holders in from 4"

"I don't think so, I'm in M Stand. Is that hospitality?" - Now I'm trying the ignorance approach... but I added...

"It's my first time to the Rosebowl, that's why I checked the gate time online, and it said 4pm" - Compounding my original white lie, but his body language was telling me he was on my side and sympathetic. I guessed he's had problems with the website being inaccurate before.

"I'm sorry Sir, but normal ticket holders are permitted in from 5pm onwards. I'm sorry the website wasn't clear" - Looks like I'm not going to win this one, but then a flash of inspiration came to me. Something I vaguely remember reading on the website, but didn't pay much attention to.

"But how will I be able to watch the schoolchildren's Kwik Cricket games? Don't they start at 4.30?"

"Oh, are you with the children?"

"My cousin's son is due to play, so Yes" - If he asked to name the kid's team, or provide some kind of proof I was sunk, but so far, so good!

"Oh, well that's ok then. Stand M is just over there Sir, enjoy the game."

What a blag! I was in an hour before the gates officially opened, the bar was just taking the towels off and there was decent music pumping out of the loudspeakers. A great night, and thankfully the rain held off. Only bad thing was the only scoreboard I could see was far too small for me to read clearly so I was relying on score updates from the stadium announcer. But next time, I know where to sit to be able to see the main board.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You little fibber! You're a regular Walter Mitty character, you'll be piloting planes next, your only experience being on a Nintendo Wii. How is everything going with the little baby? And glad you figured out the mystery of the lightbulb!! I hope you are well, Ali xx