June 04, 2008

Spring Break Part V - My time at home

Being at home was very subdued this time around. I spent a lot of my time in bed watching DVDs or catching up on sleep.

I did make the effort to do one or two things though. I spent a day in the Trafford Centre, touring the bars and watching the new Indiana Jones movie. (Quick review. Very spectatular, but they took the story one step too far. Still a good way to pass a couple of hours though).

I visited the new Chill Factor. It's an indoor winter sports hall which uses real snow. I was highly impressed. There were a few eataries/bars/retail outlets within the complex, and I can see other chains wanting to move there too.
I went to a musical play at the Lowry - Eurobeat. A camp send up of Eurovision with real voting and audience participation. Hilarious fun, highly recommended. Every member of the audience is allocated a country to support before the performance. If you get a chance to see the show, whatever you do...don't pick Iceland!

Best of all, on the Sunday I met up with Karl. I haven't seen him since I was at school, 16 years ago (I actually thought it was 18 years til he corrected me. Thought I was supposed to be the one with the Maths degree!). We had a mini tour of Central Manchester and spent the 4 or 5 hours we were together sharing memories from our school days. I was amazed how many of them we both remembered. I was really surprised at how many of them we had done together as well. When I've looked back in the past it's never really been with fondness, but reminiscing through someone eles eyes made me realise it wasn't all bad. It's taken me 16 years to get back in touch with a great school friend, but it certainly won't be the last time we meet up.

...oh, and I turned 34 whilst I was away. Bah humbug!

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