June 04, 2008

Spring Break Part IV - Sarah-Jayne

Travelling over to the IOM to meet Caoimhe also meant I got to spend lots of time with my girlfriend. I can use that word officially now, as I finally got round to asking her out in person. It was fantastic. Leaving her on the Wednesday was so painful, I love her more and more each day.

I could relate a funny story to you from when we were together that involves terrible abdominal pains - but she would kill me (no really, she would make my life a living hell). On a seperate note though, you should ask her how many 'R's there are in the word 'Bath' :o)

She is becoming a wonderful mother. She always seems to doubt herself and her abilities, but from what I've seen, she should be very proud of herself.

The last night we had together was lovely. Just curled up on the sofa in each others arms, with a Chinese take-away and the telly. I didn't want it to end, and I don't think she did either.

...I'm a lucky guy

p.s. Edited to add the Bath story. On having a conversation, the question was raised 'What's the difference between Bath and Barrrthroom then?'. Her answer? "One you visit - the other you tinkle in" :o)

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